Coronavirus (COVID-19) – 5 things you can do to protect yourself and your community

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In recent weeks cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) have been seen in an increasing number of countries across the world and we expect to continue to see more cases here in the UK over the coming days and weeks.

The UK has well-established plans to deal with outbreaks of infectious disease and everyone can play an important role in making these plans work, slowing down the spread of coronavirus.

Click the link for more information:

Zero Tolerance Policy to Abuse:

Following an incident at the medical centre – We know that #coronavirus is a distressing time for us all. This message is only aimed at a small minority, but please can everyone treat and respect #NHS staff in ways they would like to be treated themselves.

NHS Doncaster CCG has zero tolerance of violence and aggression from members of the public towards NHS staff. We appreciate incidents are extremely rare and the vast majority support the NHS.

Please help us by staying at home and thank you for your continued understanding.